New Jersey (Central): Ajjur (D2)

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Power Ranking By Week
Week 10 4-6 7

Talk about a blow out game. Husan firing on all cylinders and really getting ready for a playoff run with this new look Ajjur. Can the star guard duo keep it up? Stay tuned to find out. 

Week 9 3-6 9

They made a late run but it was too little too late at that point. The star guard duo of Alassane and Husan still have things to work out between them. Cho hit some big 3s late to keep them in it as he put up a season high 11 points and 13 boards. 

Week 8 3-5 9

Maybe Alassane needs some more trash talk to fuel that fire. Shooting 32% as a team won't lead to Ws against a team like Nazareth. Let's see how they mesh when Husan comes back. 

Week 7 3-4 8

Alassane "don't wake me up" Sibane was definitely awake this game. 17 points on 60% shooting after a 1-10 shooting game is an impressive bounce back. Now the question is, is this team better without Husan? With him out it was clear that Alassane is the floor general. Let's see if this team can figure out how to get these star guards to work together. 

Week 6 2-4 8

New roster so definitely some kinks they need to work out. Alassane couldn’t get it going all game, shooting 1-10 from the field. Come on time guys, can’t blame the loss on not warming up when you can, you know, just leave earlier… In all seriousness though, with a full roster this squad is a scary matchup. Only time will tell how they mesh together. 

Week 5 2-3 8

A three point game at the half shows that this team is way better than the final score. Not to mention Husan going down 10 mins into the game—even though he came back, he didn’t look the same. Even though they have a tough matchup going forward, i think they’ll find their footing. 

Week 4 2-2 8

This is one of those games which feels like a loss and a win, and yet, it was still a thriller of a game. Abdoul and Husan showed out, not to mention a good day from Abdullah. But in that process, kept on blowing leads instead of capitalizing on them. No other team would let that happen. This team needs to figure out its defensive priorities before clashing against Yuzur next week.

Week 3 1-2 9

This team’s offense kind of reminds me of Akka. Not much rhythm and every play is sort of a free for all, sort of a “if you have the ball try to make a play”. Husan led the team in scoring once again with 14 points but on a poor 5-16. Once they figure out their roles and how to play together, this team can be 5 or 6, especially with all the talent they have. Till then, let’s hope they’re watching film. 

Week 2 1-1 9

Husan Zakir poured in 19 and 12 and left all the “Yazur B-Team” talks in last week. Abdullah Sillah and Essa put up 12 a piece, and Ajjur fended off a pesky Bir Seb’a team and got on the board with a win. Completely unphased by all the noise, Husan is looking to lead this young team and make some noise in the league. 

Week 1 0-1 8

It was clearly the first time this team was playing organized ball together and it showed in multiple plays throughout the game. No flow to the offense but still, only lost by 10 while keeping it close throughout most of the game against a team that has played together multiple times. Abdullah Sillah showed up pouring in 16 points on an impressive 70% shooting clip. If they iron out the offensive wrinkles, this team will be hard to beat, even if they are just the “Yazur B Team”…

Side note: Husan Zakir’s step back 3 after his defender slapped the ground as if he was locking up was top play of the week for me. Let him talk his talk ref, he absolutely torched his defender and had him thinking he was back up in north league.