New Jersey (Central): Baysan (D2)

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Power Ranking By Week
Week 10 4-6 10

So ya'll lost a 5v4 and then posted an IG reel about it? C'mon man.... season is over for these fellas. 

Week 9 4-5 6

Big Moose finally showing up some of that magic he puts on display in the north league. 19 points on 8-9 shooting is crazy. Don’t overlook the fact that he dished out a team high 4 assists. Floor general Moose while entering playoff time is not a sight that other teams want to see. 

Week 8 3-5 8

Baysan finally realized that we should let Big Moose take over, but it was too late in the game at point. Please Baysan, ya'll need to realize that Big Moose is one of the best players in the league and can lead you to victory. 

Week 7 3-4 6

Look what the cat dragged in, a full Baysan squad! Haven't seen Kareem in these neck of the woods before. But boy did Kareem and Big Moose back in action, as they barely edged out a win against a struggling Bir Seb'a. Hopefully they can get some chemistry going before playoff time. 

Week 6 2-4 9

No Big Moose leads to Big Problems for this team. There was also some inner turmoil that was coming to the surface which is not a good sign. Maybe Moose can come back next week and right the ship, because they should not be 2-4 with this roster.

Also Ehsan, you’re a hooper, but stop arguing with the ref every time you miss a shot and get back on defense...

Week 5 2-3 7

There’s only much you can do when a player drops 40 on you. But take the good— Ehsan and Ishaq are looking great. Musa Yanes struggled but I can’t see him struggling going forward and Mohammad Popal will get back in his groove. They need to get going fast next week against a dominant Areeha.

Week 4 2-2 3

 After last weeks flaking, you gotta clap it up for Ehsan Popal, scoring 37 is no joke. Also, winning this game by a cool 21 points without Musa Yanes and Mohammad Popal says a lot about the depth you have. If you look past the tripods and attempting highlight reels, this team can be the best. Ehsan controls the floor and Kasey cleans up boards. Baysan has a tough matchup coming up, and if they show out, has a chance to solidify their spot in the top quarter of the league. 

Week 3 1-2 7

Is it snowing in jersey? All I see are a bunch of snowFLAKEs.

Week 2 1-1 5

You could tell this team was missing their floor general in Ishaq. They live and die by the 3, and shooting 6-37 behind the arc won’t cut it against a team like Nazareth. Big Moose was also getting visually frustrated. Have a feeling he’s going to channel that for next game, but only time will tell. 

Week 1 1-0 2

The infamous “Guard Me” Popal team said we want to win this season, and recruited Big Moose to help them achieve that. They came out looking for blood and got exactly that, winning by a cool 28. With 4 players in double figures, it’s clear that they have no shortage of scorers and playmakers. Big Moose led the way with an effortless 18 points and 11 boards. Definitely a top team in the league.

P.S. - Watch out for Ehsan, he might be tracking his stats in a notebook next game just to make sure they don’t miss ANY of his points.