New Jersey (Central): Tulkarem (D2)

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Power Ranking By Week
Week 10 4-6 6

Messiah with a 20-20 game helping his team blowout Akka. This man is a giant in the paint, and he backed that up with 6 blocks. There is no stopping him, so hopefully his team steps up to the task to make a deep playoff push. 

Week 9 3-6 7

Playing zone and leaving a top shooter in the league open almost every possession may not have been such a good game plan. Subhan and Messiah were the only ones the crack double figures, but more than offense this team definitely has some things to figure out defensively. C’mon guys, you have the tallest player in the league on the floor at all times. 

Week 8 3-5 6

Finally, Tulkarem is on the receiving end of team's gifting away tight games. Subhan with 2 clutch free throws to ice it. Messiah with 27 and 10 trying the edge out Mana for best big man in the league. Seriously tho, if Tulkarem wins their last 2 Messiah may very well take home MVP. 

Week 7 2-5 9

Get Messiah and Waheed some help... sometimes I think this team just wants to gift the opposition a win. From throwing the ball full court when you have a win almost sealed to now calling timeouts when you have none, its as if this team can't do anything right in the last minute of games. They can easily be a 5-2 team right now if it weren't for careless mistakes late in games. Please watch some film and turn it around. Can't stand to see a 40+ MBR season from Messiah go to waste. 

Week 6 2-4 7

Tough loss as they were neck and neck almost all game. Messiah with his typical 15 points and 14 boards. Unfortunately they did not take advantage of Yazur not having Surakata by having Messiah live in the paint. Shooting 5 threes shows that the rest of the Yazur squad made him uncomfortable. Let’s see if they can learn from this when they go up against a smaller Tiberias team next week. 

Week 5 2-3 9

Big round of applause to Tulkarem who finally got their first real win. But to be real—they had a massive lead against Haifa which they blew, barely edging by in the end. Messiah (19pts, 16rbs) is a blessing to this team. 

Week 4 1-3 9

Have to give it to them, after getting down early they fought tooth and nail to get back, only to lose. It stings, but it shows they got more in them. Messiah had a game—22pts and 11 rebounds. This team has lost their three game by less than 5 points. Next week is an easily winnable game, and they can get it if they play liked they played in Week 4. 

Week 3 1-2 10

A win is a win. 

Week 2 0-2 10

If you could sum up “heart breaking loss” in 2 plays, just look at the end of this game. I don’t know if Minhaj thought this was Sunday morning football with that last Hail Mary pass, but man that was tough to watch. That turnover led to a game winning bank shot 3 pointer. Big man #22 (sorry I don’t know his name) was a bright spot and looks to be a real matchup problem for other big men. 2 tough losses for tulkarem, but fully expect them to bounce back and get on the board soon.

Week 1 0-1 7

Things did not go the way they wanted for Tulkarem this week. Missing big man Aaron Laplaca, who would’ve helped their chances at slowing down Omar Mana, hurt them this game and it showed. Raheem putting up an uncharacteristic 0 points and Minhaj going 1-8 also did not help their chances of winning. It’s not all gloom and doom though, as newcomer Mohsin put up a solid 15 and 14 and has shown he will be a problem for other big men in the league. Now we just need Tarek to stop acting like he’s a coach and suit up for action. If Raheem and Minhaj decide to play ball and Aaron/Tarek come back, watch out…