New Jersey (North): Medina (D1)

Power Ranking Trend

Power Ranking By Week
Week 5 1-3 7

Got a win by forfeit.

Week 4 0-3 7

Don't understand how this team keeps losing. Still would not want to see these guys in the playoffs.

Week 3 0-2 6

Mo Abdelhadi had a crazy game (37 pts, 21 rebs) but it wasn't enough to beat Tripoli. Andre shooting 1-16 did not help. Medina hasn't won a game yet, but they still have top-tier talent.

Week 2 0-1 5

Shot a poor percentage. Chemistry was an issue. Give them some time and they'll be back near the top.

Week 1 0-0 3
Preseason 0-0 3

Mohammad Abdelhadi has 3 MB championships in 4 MB seasons. Chances look good here.