New Jersey (North): Granada (D3)

Power Ranking Trend

Power Ranking By Week
Week 7 4-3 6 Broke their pattern of L-W-L pattern with a big game to ensure a higher seed. Round 1 versus Kabul will be an all out hustle battle.
Week 6 3-3 8 On a day when the guards couldn't get it going, the big men came up huge on Saturday.
Week 5 2-3 8
Week 4 2-2 8 After three straight nailbiters, a 13 point win must have been a welcomed sight. Omar Singer and Malik Zubi are back in business.
Week 3 1-2 9 A game to forget from the PG, and they still only lost by 5. Must win next week because the last 3 weeks will be extremely difficult.
Week 2 1-1 9 Malik Zubi followed up a disastrous opener with a stellar shooting performance (7-9 3PT O_o).
Week 1 0-1 10 The youngest team in the league controlled 35 minutes of the game but couldn't hang on at the end. It was quite the coming out party for Omar Singer, however, as the rook put up 16pts/6reb/7ast/4stl.
Preseason 0-0 10 After, a rough (understatement) first season, things are looking brighter this season with some new faces. They can really only go up from here.